Home Vision Screening program for children

Vision greatly impacts your child’s ability to succeed in school. Undiagnosed vision problems may affect a child’s ability to read and learn and especially because many children are unaware that they see things differently than they should.  Vision screening is very important, especially early in a child’s life because many common vision problems can be fully corrected when caught early. You may now use this program to regularly screen visual acuity in your children.

Jaeb Visual Acuity Screener (v1.2)

The JVAS© (Jaeb Visual Acuity Screener) is a pediatric visual acuity screener meant for non-ophthalmic health care professionals. It uses gold-standard thresholds from accepted studies to determine if a child needs to be referred for ophthalmic evaluation.

Installation Instructions:

1. Click here to download the JVAS program.download vision screening program for children

2. Save the downloaded “JVAS.zip” file to your computer.

3. Open JVAS.zip and extract all files.

4. Navigate to the folder with the extracted files.

5. Open and print file named “HOTV Matching Card”

6. Open and print file named “Instructions”

7. Double-click the file named “JVAS.exe” to start the program.

Instructions for Use:

Printing and using these instructions may help you in familiarizing yourself with administering the screener.

Tools you will need

  • A desktop or laptop PC running Windows XP SP2 or newer, with .NET Framework 2.5 or higher monitor with resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels.
  • Small millimeter ruler (for calibrating)
  • Tape measure (for measuring the testing distance)
  • Piece of masking tape, or equivalent (for marking the testing distance)
  • Eye patches (adhesive, if available)
  • HOTV Matching Card, found on the last page (print and laminate, if possible, for ease of use)


1. Open the JVAS.zip and extract all files.

2. Double click on the file named “JVAS.exe” to start the screening program.

Preparing the JVAS for use

1. Calibrate the JVAS by clicking “Calibrate” and following the prompts.

2. Use a piece of tape and mark a spot on the floor 1.5 meters (5 feet) from

the screen.


Screening instructionsvision screening in children in India

1. Position the child on the tape, 1.5 meters (5 feet) from the computer screen.

2. Cover his or her left eye with an eye patch. Make sure the eye is completely occluded.

3. For children aged 3-6 years, have the HOTV Matching Card by your side in case you need it.

4. Select the child’s age on the bottom left corner.

5. Click “Start Screening!”

6. Verify the information is correct in the small window that pops up.

7. Click “Start Screening” in the small window.

8. Follow the prompts as instructed.

9. Children will be required to identify the letters that are presented by JVAS. They may verbalize the letter they see or for children aged 3 to less than 7 years of age, they may identify the letter by pointing to it on the HOTV Matching Card.

On using the HOTV Matching Card: First verify that the child is looking at the HOTV letter being presented. Then show the child the matching card and have him or her point to the letter they saw on the screen. After he or she chooses a letter, turn over the matching card.

10. At the bottom left corner of the screen, click “Correct” or “Incorrect” and then “Next Letter.” Repeat for each letter until finished.

11. After screening has been completed for the right eye, you will be prompted

to uncover the child’s left eye and cover his or her right eye.

12. Follow the prompts for screening the child’s left eye.

13. Record screening results. Remember that the program does not save screening results; be sure to record the results before leaving the results screen.


Courtesy: http://pedig.jaeb.org/JVAS.aspx

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